Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite
The bedbug (Cimex lectulariusis) one of the most annoying and tenacious home pests there is. No larger than an apple seed, the bugs are very hard to see and once they are introduced to your home they can be very hard to eradicate. The bedbug is one of several blood-eating insects. Unlike mosquitoes, the bites often go unnoticed at the time, becoming evident only days later when welts, rashes, or allergic reactions set in. The bugs can go as long as a year without a meal, so they are not easily eradicated once they find a home in your home. They like to hide in warm, dark areas, which is why they are called bedbugs. They can also find hiding places in furniture and other areas.
Original Article Source Credits: The Spruce ,
Article Written By: Lisa Jo Lupo
Original Article Posted on: 09/23/18
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